Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Another one down...

So here is the Cinderella dress up outfit that I have been working on. I probably could have made the top another inch or two longer, but it works for now.

I am hoping to start the quilt this week. I have a business trip today, but will return tomorrow night. I am thinking that I may not have the energy to cut 20+ shirts, but I will try. I have to get that quilt and Uncle Sonny's memory quilt done before May 30th. I work much better with a deadline so I am sure I will get it done.

I have been looking at Rylie and I think I may need to remake her. The measurements are way off. I can't believe that 5 lbs. would make such a difference in all the measurements. When I measured last night, she was 3-4 inches bigger than I am at all points! I was thinking of just making slits and taking her in here and there, but Wayne says that she looks so much different that it may be worth retaping.

Angielee was sick over the weekend and had to stay home for the 24-hr fever free period. We went to the doc and she does not have strep. At least the quick test says so. I will find out the real test results tomorrow. We went to JoAnn's for the Daffodil Dash and I picked up a tailor's ham and a bunch of the Tutti Fruitti fabric for $1.99/yd. Angielee picked 2 more sundress patterns for 99 cents each, 5 yards of burgundy fleece for the blanket Wayne has been asking for and 5 yards of muslin for various purposes such as making muslins for myself. I am hoping to make a blouse for Arianna's party on May 31st.

I have also looked that the links from StacySews and there are a couple of things I would LOVE to make for the girls or my friends' kids. We'll see how much time I have...

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